Those who are planning to study in the UK may be worried about the current Coronavirus outbreak. The UK Government has announced that everyone must stay at home and should work from home.
Therefore, University campuses are open only for essential services. Some areas remain open for use, such as study spaces and the Library, but everyone is asked to follow the guidance on social distancing guidelines.
The good news is the education and the course delivery hasn’t stopped. The Universities have adopted online/remote delivery of teaching. In addition to this Examinations and Assessments are taking place online. So, universities are looking to recruit students for the next intake in a new adoptive manner.
The Universities have cold off all events including Open Day in the UK and abroad. You may not have a chance to meet anyone and have a face to face interaction. But the universities are working hard to ensure they can carry on as normal as possible when the situation improves. In many cases they have very limited staff working at the campus but most of them working from home. Particularly the student recruitment teams are now fully working online.
We understand the challenge and already adopted a fully-featured online working environment. All our consultants are working as normal on student files to ensure your place is confirmed and don’t miss out any best opportunity even in this challenging situation. We have students applying for a place from all over the world and the position are quickly filling up particularly in London.
We ensure your journey is simple and hassle-free. We work closely with you from consultation, choosing a course & university, application & profiling, prepare you for the interview and your visa application. We work smarter for your success that is our pride.
It’s maybe the case that some you be waiting for things to get normal and then move on. There is no chance of thinking like things are not moving, and you will have time to apply. If you are being lazy and leave it for later, you may be already too late for the course or university you liked. We highly recommend you apply as soon as possible to grab the best possible opportunity.
You have the benefit of staying home at this moment, so use your time now for your application. You will have more time for your consultation, application and to pay close attention to may relevant matter that will enhance your success. So, what you are waiting for – Register Today and we will take you through.
Finally, Stay safe & Good luck with your UK study.