It’s not too late, you can change or enhance of your career with the help of Govt fund as study loan. It’s a loan but shouldn’t be put-off because of potential debt. It’s very different to normal debt. It’s only repaid when you finish studying, and if you don’t earn enough when you leave (and of course one reason for studying is to enable you to earn more), you don’t have to pay for it.
Types of funding are as follows:
Student Loans: Most UK higher education students are eligible for a student loan. The tuition fee loan can cover tuition fees up to £9,250 (for the 2019/20 academic year).
Maintenance Loan: Students are also eligible for a loan of up to £11,672 (for the 2019/20 academic year) to help with living costs, depending on circumstances. More information can be found in our Student Loan Mythbusting guide.
Who can apply? Those going for further study, UK permanent resident or EU citizen.
What’s the maximum award? Up to £11,672.
What does it cover? Living and/or studying costs.
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